uweeekkkk!!!!!I was planned to come out to see the world through the door like almost everybody but Allah have better plans for me...I had to come out through the window i.e. getting my loving Ibu to be caesared (operated on). u wanna know why?read on...
The evening of June 1st,2008 being a Sunday, Abah and Ibu went over to their clinic as accordingly as I'm already due with Ibu having a slight pain. And, having scanned the doctor's said to them not to be overly worried even though my umbilical cord was seen going around my neck. Normally, it would be alright so said the doctor but after 2 inducement attempts given to Ibu, nothing came out of it. Then Ibu had contraction and her water-bag burst. What came out of it, shocked the nurses who's suspect something is amiss....It was a mixture of greenish liquid instead of colorless (they suspect I had naughtily "poo-poo" in Ibu's womb)
they urgently rushed Ibu to the operation theater and beautifully cut opened my Ibu so that I can 'jump out of the window' and gave the cried of my life for being born on this day...and that was at 2:19pm on the June 2nd,2008 [bersamaan 27 Jamadil Awal] weighing 3.2kg with a length of 50cm.
All the while Abah was frantically chanting all the verses from the Quran that he could mumble and was profusely cold-sweating & praying that both his loving wife & me are in good hands and well.............(alhamdulillah)
The missy having cleansed me had called upon Abah to recite the Iqamat into my ears ; I am pretty sure Abah was mengelabah doing them but I heard him well, loud & clear!!! (hey!thats my Abah we're talking about...)
So much so, Abah kept on addressing himself clumsily as, " sayanggg anak 'Along' " instead of anak Abah to everybody's laughter.
Back at the clinic, friends of Abah/Ibu, Tok Mama and Aunty Chique was there to welcome me and congratulating both Abah and Ibu. I can see crocodile tears in Abah's eye all the while...I know that he's very proud+grateful+happy plus so many plus for having me and seeing his lovely wife had to go through the pain...
Later in the evening, Tok Dadda @ Atok Zacque together with Aunty Shay and Aunty Amy came by while Abah was reciting the Yassin. There was a lot of hugging and kisses and more crocodile tears... :)
How do I know?Because I surprised everybody by really struggling to open both my eyes for the first time just few hours being born.
The very next day after getting a clean bill and clearance from the doctor, both Ibu and me was allowed to go back.Yeah....Going back to Tok Dadda and Tok Mama's house in Kelana Jaya. Just before maghrib, Nek Nyang, Tok Jo and family came visiting me. I can see that Nek Nyang was really full of love when she hugged me that I'm her first 'cicit' or great grand child coming from her first cucu(Abah!)
assalamualaikum tomelion...
go babab AuntShay tuh..soh dia update gigih skets k? cry outloud so dat they get the hint of aint wanting milk or etc..u just want ur blog to b updated...
luv u tomelion!
mwah mwah!
eheheh...nenda tak mo mawah² aunty shay, ye?dia slalu lupa bout this so called "unofficial blog" of hers....just wait until naaila grow up,owait?
luv u too nenda!!!
mwah mwah...
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